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About Neighborhood Sewa 

Sewa International with over 35 chapters has been serving the local communities in the USA since 2003 through various projects. Situation due to COVID-19 pandemic has created unique challenges for the communities. Sewa International was quick to rise to the occasion and has setup non-medical helplines since March 15th. Based on the inputs from 8 helplines, over 4000 calls and over 500 volunteers, Sewa International has identified four Action points and four demographics to serve in 35 cities / neighborhood.

Neighborhood sewa is an outbound activity. It is your opportunity to serve your neighborhood in these challenging times. Sewa International has identified four areas of action that addresses societies needs in a big way. You can start serving your neighborhood by picking up anyone or more action. Sewa has documented the experiences of these areas. When you register with Sewa as a volunteer you will be given orientation training and will have access to these resources. This will help you to be effective in shorter time frame. Over 500 Sewa volunteers who are already engaged have found this to be a very humbling and fulfilling experience of serving the society. 

Sewa International is starting the Neighborhood Sewa in 35 cities / neighborhood. You can register yourself for any of these locations. In case your city is not listed, please register for 'Other City'. We will be glad to help you start. List of 35 cities where it is starting :

West: South Bay, East Bay, Sacramento, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Irvine, Phoenix, San Diego

Mid-West: Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, Columbus, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Bloomington, Cleveland

East: Boston, MA, Stamford, CT, Central NJ, North NJ, South NJ, Westchester, NY Metro, Exton, PA, Pittsburg, Washington DC

South East:  Atlanta, Raleigh, Charlotte, Jacksonville, Nashville, Tampa, Orlando, Memphis, Knoxville

South West: Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Denver, Austin

Four Demographics and their needs

  • SEWA FOR SENIORS: Seniors in our community need help in many ways. Deliveries of grocery, food and medication are the key areas. Also requirement for giving ride to them to clinic / hospital for (non-covid) comes up quite often. Beside that we found unexpressed need for providing emotional support in these uncertain times. It just needs talking and listening to them that makes them feel happy.

  • SEWA FOR CARE GIVERS: The caregivers are risking their lives for the betterment of the community however many times they face shortage of Personal Protection Equipments. When you reach out to them you could check about the need for PPE and make arrangements with the help of Sewa team. Besides that, these care givers are working tirelessly, round-the-clock. Taking some nice hot meals is really appreciated by them. Also making home-made masks for the caregivers is welcome by many hospitals and care-centers. You can coordinate these mask-making activities and deliver them to establishments.

  • SEWA FOR UNDERPRIVILEGED: A Large section of our society is suffering and the least we can do to support them is to arrange for the meals for them. This can be done in two ways: You can work with the local food banks and help them prepare/ organize meals packets wherever possible. Another way is to identify local donors and arrange for meals distribution. 

  • SEWA FOR EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL WELlNESS: COVID-19 has created lot of fear and uncertainties about many things such as jobs, health issues, college education, managing families at home etc. It is very important to address these challenges and Sewa has experienced that webinars from experts in respective fields help people to cope up with anxieties and fears. Sewa International has arranged over 50 webinars in March and April. 

    While the volunteers of Sewa’s over 35 chapters are engaged in offering these services, Sewa international is appealing to the community members to setup the groups to serve their neighborhoods and widen the scope of serving locally.


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