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2020 Sewa Atlanta: Annual Appreciation Event

For the health and safety of our volunteers and donors, Sewa International Atlanta is changing our “In-Person” event to a “Virtual” Live Event. The Sewa Appreciation Event will be held on the same day and time, as previously scheduled i.e.December 19th, 2020 at 6:00 PM EST.

Invite your friends and family in Atlanta, and around the world to join as well.

Honors and appreciation

Sewa International Atlanta Chapters honors and appreciates

  • Health care workers who tirelessly worked during this crisis
  • Sankalp Partners (other non-profit organizations) who joined hands with Sewa to distribute PPE’s and masks
  • Churches and other community organizations that helped deliver food and laptop computers to the needy
  • Individuals who made a significant contribution to our community in Georgia

Chief guest

  • Dr. Marcus Glass – New Season’s Albany Church

Policy Makers Roundtable

Fireside Chat

  • 3 CEOs and Founders
  • Chris Keysor, Lenbrook Atlanta
  • Padmabhushan Dr. Jagdish Sheth
  • Surprise guest


Please join our base of growing volunteers who are making a difference in the community we live in and beyond.

How Can You Support?

  1. Donate generously: No donation is too small! Most companies match or double the contributions! Please check your company's Matching Gift program.
  2. Sewa is a registered non-profit under IRS 501[c][3] in the US.
  3. Spread the word:
    Let us collectively help these communities in need. 

Goal:        $151,000.00

Pledged: $160,000.00     Donate


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