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Sewa Dance Idol Competition 2025 - Rules and FAQs

Competition Rules 

  • It is MANDATORY for the contestants to  join relevant contestant group for your location. (Only for contestants after registration, NOT for Audience) Mandatory. All instructions will follow in those groups. Questions can be asked using that group as well.   Please join only for your city, not multiple. 
To avoid robotic spam, please type your city's url on your phone browser to join the group.

Whatsapp is a free app  available to everyone. Feel free to signup if you don't have it for the purposes of this competition. 

  • Contestant gets 4 min per song (15 sec grace time). It is perfectly fine and encouraged to end the dance earlier but exceeding the time limit will result in negative points.
  • Group contains maximum 8 participants.
  • 80% of the points would be evaluated by a team of judges.
  • 20% of the points would be decided based on audience votes. Please encourage your friends to join the contest and vote for you (and other contestants) using an online form.  
  •  Audience entry is completely FREE.
  • Auditoriums and audio setup is expensive hence we will not have separate rehearsals days or timings available.  Feel free to come in early on the competition day to look at the stage from spacing perspective. 
  • All entries represent individuals or groups, they do not represent any dance schools.
  • Another form would be send out to registrants 1 week before the contest for them to submit their final audio karaoke files
  • Groups and categories might be adjusted (split or combined) based on number of participants 


1] Why is Solo entry charges so high as compared to Duet? 

Great question, here are few reasons:

  • Dance idol has huge setup cost. Auditoriums cost $100 an hour or so, so is audio visual system setup and personnel. There are many other expenses. We are charging not for a person to perform but also for fixed cost which remains the same whether it's 1 dancer or 5.  During Sep. Singing Idol contest, charges were $25 per person and we didn't save anything after expenses. 
  • We have raised the bar so that only those performers register to compete who are willing to learn, practice to put in efforts and make worth of registration charges. This will give a pleasurable and meaningful to judges and audience as well.     
  • We also need to save at least 20% for fundraising for Sponsor a child program.  Organization does not keep even a dime of the funds raised, your money gets donated to a punya karma earning you good karma. 

2] Can we put up a stall (jewellery etc.) at the venue? 

  • Milwaukee and Appleton events are in the temple and we will not have space to host any stalls but we can have stalls at the Madison venue.  Please contact the organizer for further details.

3] Would food be available at the venue for snacks and lunch? 

  • Milwaukee event is in the temple - Snacks would be available for purchase by Cafe Annapoorna concessions stand whereas lunch would be available at temple cafeteria.  Temple has given amazing support to Sewa, please support temple by having lunch there. 
  • Madison event is in school. Snacks and lunch would be made available by Cafe Annapoorna concessions stand. 
  • Milwaukee event is in the temple - Lunch would be made available at temple.  Temple has given amazing support to Sewa, please support temple by having lunch there.

3] What are the judging criteria for the competition? 

  • Exact criteria are never revealed in any Idol competition but one of the core objective of the competition is for dancers to learn and work towards perfection. Hence we recommend contestants to focus on following criteria.  
    • Choreography - Formations and fluidity, 
    • Choreography - Dance steps and actions
    • Individual's Performance
    • Synchronization or Team work
    • Visuals and Visualization
    • Creativity & Wow factor
    • Errors or lack of that

    4] Can I know my exact timeslot with that session?

    We will not be revealing the lineup. You would want others to watch your performance and also vote for you, isn't it? that's why. We don't want people to come only for their performance and go.. we would have kept competition on zoom only if that's what was the expectation.

    5] How much would be the total time spend on the event day?

    For any contestant, session time would be approx. 3 hours plus time it takes to decide and announce winners. It's quite reasonable.

    6] What are Madison Contest Schedule and timings:

    10:30 AM to 1:30 PM Classical and Semi Classical. (includes prize distribution at the end), Check in 10AM. Competition begins sharp 10:30 AM.  

    2:00 PM to 4:30 PM : Bollywood and folk (includes prize distribution at the end), Check in 1:30 PM. 

    In standard festival performances neither sequence matters nor it involves any fundraiser information sharing to the audience. Hence exact sequence within these slots unfortunately cannot be given. Please don't mind.

    We will make event fun with exceptional performance, food, entertainment, shopping. Please have your kids bring their tablet so they don't get bored waiting till prize distribution.

    These timings approx. since this is the 1st time we are doing Dance Idol. Timings might very 30 min here and there based on how it goes. Please plan to arrive in your session timeslot. 

    7] How do I edit my presubmitted final details and audio file form?

    If you have already submitted the entry and want to change something, please look for confirmation email from google when you submitted that entry, choose edit response and then edit the response you had submitted earlier.

    Please do not submit a form again and it will create duplicates and trip the system.

    8] Will I automatically win if I am the only contestant in that category? 

    We will have to combine some combinations into we call them Prize Categories if that is the case. Here is the methodology:

    We had 80 combinations of dance style, age group and group sizes whereas we will have lesser no. of contestants; it means we had few combination with only 1 contestants. This is not general cultural performances but a competition means everyone has to compete. Hence team made logical combination of the closest match. Judges have years of experience and professional training to decide the winners amongst such categories.

    At the same time, we made sure that they get trophies if they are in different category, just a different place based on performance.

    Here is an example.

    For Milwaukee Folk, we had 1 entry in kids, 1 in teens solo and 1 in teens group. team just combined them and made sure each one gets a trophy because they were in different combination but they also got to compete and got their respective trophies.

    Only place a contestant or a group did not get a trophy is when we have multiple participants in that exact combination and that contestant didn't make it in top tier.

    Event Day Guidelines 

    We want to make sure that everyone (Participants as well as Organizers) have a very pleasant experience. From that perspective, given below are some other important guidelines:

    • A google form would be made available for contestants to submit the - Dance audio file. Dance audio file must be received 3 days before the competition before the competition day precisely following guidelines mentioned in the form.  
    • Late submissions would have penalty in terms of points as it will create a lot of planning problems for us. Please submit proactively. It is extremely important to have correct naming standards followed while submitting the audio file to avoid rejection of submissions. Please follow the instructions given in the form and help provide a very good experience for you and audience.

      Please make sure to  be available in the hall during the timeslot provided. When your group's name is called and the group is not available to compete, Group's entry will be forfeited. 
    • Please arrive 30 min before the your slot begins so that you can be seated undisturbed. We will start on time.
    • If you have a special circumstance for which you cannot arrive at the your time slot, please reach out to organizer 1-1.
    • 20% of the marks are you audience, please feel free to invite as many of your friends as possible to vote for you.
    • No one would be allowed to come in and out of the hall while dance performance is on. We need to make sure Contestant performs undisturbed. Please cooperate.
    • Center 2 seats in 1st row would be blocked for the contestant family to photo/record their contestant’s performance. Please do use that to take videos / photos and post to your social media account. 

    Competitions run multiple hours but we got you. We will have snacks and lunch items available for purchase at the venues. 

    Milwaukee location: We will have snacks available thorughout the day whereas HTW would have awesome Lunch menu. 

    Madison Location: Sewa would have snacks as well as lunch available for purchase as a part of Cafe Annapoorna. Given below are a few pictures of our previous Annapoorna concession stands. 

    Cafe Annapoorna photos:   

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