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Sewa International is a Hindu faith-based, humanitarian, nonprofit service organization registered under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3). Founded in 2003, Sewa International is part of a larger movement that started in India in 1989 and is active in twenty countries. Sewa serves humanity irrespective of race, color, religion, gender or nationality.

We specialize in disaster relief and rehabilitation. Our development programs focus on family services; child, tribal and refugee welfare; women empowerment; health; and education.

In addition to our work in the US, we have undertaken development projects in Colombia, Guyana, India, Kenya, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Our Vision

We aspire to be the preeminent, Hindu faith-based, humanitarian organization that serves selflessly and with compassion to create a positive impact. We envision and strive for a world in which all people live in harmony, free from suffering.

Our Mission

Sewa International’s mission is to serve humanity in distress, aid local communities, run developmental projects for the underserved, and assist people in transformational change through the power of innovation by mobilizing partners, donors, and volunteers.

Sewa As They See

Sewa Around The World

You are welcome to be a part of Sewa USA's impactful projects around the world and spread stories of positive social change.

Sewa Chapters


Houston, TX

Please visit the chapter page for more details.

Bay Area, CA

Please visit the chapter page for more details.

Boston, MA

Please visit the chapter page for more details.

Atlanta, GA

Please visit the chapter page for more details.

Washington, DC

Please visit the chapter page for more details.

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