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  • Adopt A Road Atlanta

Adopt a Road

Our Process

  • Determine working with the county the Road(s) to main

  • Identify the frequency of cleanup

  • Register with the county – the adopted road as a Sewa project

  • Organizing the event:
    • Identify the date and time based on weather conditions
    • Post it on Sewa groups about this event in 1-2 weeks in advance
    • Volunteer Sign up by sending message to the coordinator
    • Coordinator sends reminders to volunteers through whatsApp
    • Coordinator announces the meeting point to volunteers with start time and end time

  • Notify county about the event 3 business days in advance

  • Cordinator Designates volunteers to pick up supplies and equipment from the county office

  • Clean up starts with pep talk and safety instructions from the coordinator to the volunteers
  • Activity in done both sides of the road in multiple of 2 teams.

  • Teams are deployed at the end points of the project and work towards middle

  • Complete the cleanup activity with the volunteers

  • Move the trash collected to an aggregation point designated by the coordinator

  • Take pictures of activity in progress and before and after

  • Return the unused supplies and equipment to county office

  • Submit the report to County (see attachment) and Sewa chapter coordinator

  • Track total Volunteer hours, admin hours, cost for Sewa project management purposes

  • Publish photos and tag them in social media – TBD


  • Promote and Encourage Environmentally conscious projects.


Dinesh Katoch


Who benefits from this program?

  • General public in the project location
  • Volunteers – LEAD Project members – Part of team building and social responsibility training/awareness
  • Limited Environment protection for animals – wildlife does not have access to trash
  • Sewa

How do they benefit from this program?

  • Roads & Sidewalks are more presentable and usable. Encourages people to keep their roads and sidewalks clean.
  • LEAD members develop leadership skills and become responsible citizens protecting environment in their capacity.
  • Provide a cleaner habitat for wild animals
  • Sewa name recognition adopt-a-road signage.

How many people benefit from this program?

  • Citizens using a roads
  • LEAD members – 25 volunteers
  • Sewa - Organization.

Our Impact

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