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Sewa Yatra

What is Sewa Yatra ?

Sewa Yatra is an opportunity for an inspirational personal journey of self-growth and development. You view first hand the developmental work being done by Sewa International and its partners in India at the ground level. Anyone visiting India from the USA and wish to experience a Sewa project in the city they may be visiting can reach out to the Sewa Yatra Team.

  • Witness the excellent work done by Sewa and its partners in Bengaluru, Delhi Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, and several other locations.
  • Visit anytime of the year and spend a day for a gratifying experience.
  • Want to spend more time? You can volunteer and contribute.

Take the opportunity to witness what you and your family could accomplish during your next trip to India.

Are you planning to visit Project location? Please provide your details. 

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Experience of Previous Visitors

“I visited 2 sewa projects in Bhagyanagar (Telangana) during my visit in January 2016. It took total less than one day but perhaps that became the highlight and most memorable experience of the whole trip….. Great team of Karyakarta who are serving there with passion and kindness every day”

Arun Kankani,

“During my recent visit to India, I got an opportunity to visit a Street Children’s Project in Delhi. It was a humbling experience to see the kids from slum areas to struggle to get education and skills that they could use for earning their livelihood. I got a chance to speak to a few girls during my visit. One of them expressed her ambition to become a doctor. It left me wondering what could I do help her achieve her dreams. There’s still so much we can do to help these young children to get higher education.”

Taru Singhal,
Bay Area

“Last Saturday evening with my family, I visited three Seva Kiran[a] projects in Veerabhadranagar and HSP office in Bangalore. It was a humble experience to see how kids are studying in slum areas. Thanks to Jayanthi ji and Aravind ji for showing us these projects. It needs courage and dedication to take up these projects running on regular basis.”

Syam Kosigi,

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can I participate?

If you are going to India and would like to visit a Sewa project, just let us know the details of your itinerary and we can coordinate your visit to a local Sewa project in the city you would be going. The visit is subject to availability of the local coordinator and duration of your visit. Reach out to us.

Where can I visit ?

Sewa has offices in several cities in India like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, etc. Sewa also partners with other local organizations in cities like Sewa Sahyog, Chetana, Sewa Kirana and many more in various cities to facilitate your visit to a Sewa supported project. Email us to find out more about locations of your interest.

What kind of projects can I visit ?

Sewa International has a broad spectrum of projects that you can visit in: Child Welfare and Education, Health, Tribal Welfare, Environment, Women Empowerment, Disaster Rehabilitation, Development, and Volunteering. Click here for Sewa Projects Sponsored by Sewa International in India. (Please include the link to the Projects page).

What does Sewa Yatra cost me?

There is no cost for visiting Sewa Yatra projects.

I have a busy schedule in India. Can I volunteer?

Yes! Take out a few hours from your schedule to meet and serve the needy. Go with the attitude that you will learn more from the Yatra volunteering than what you will impart. We also have longer volunteering opportunities. Ask us.

What will I get out of a Sewa Yatra experience?

Your visit will help you understand the gap existing between the life of the beneficiaries, and a normal, healthy life. Many of our Yatris have had a transformational experience visiting and volunteering. Go with the attitude that you will learn more from the Yatra than what you will impart, and you may have a metamorphic experience too!

Can I take my children along?

Yes, we encourage you to take your children along! Experience the project with them and give them a life changing experience. Set an example! Volunteer with them for a few hours or days. Inspire them to learn the ‘Joy of Giving.’

Do I have to donate to the Project I visit?

No, there is no obligation. It is entirely up to you.

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