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#SEWA Helps Maharashtra – Essential Kits

Maharashtra has been the number one state adversely impacted by the COVID- 19 pandemic. Active cases of the virus have been found in all the districts. New hot spots/clusters are developing in rural and remote places. Lack of preparedness is worsening the situation and shortage of medical facilities, equipment and supplies has caused a large number of fatalities.

To address current challenges and help better prepare for potential resurgence of COVID-19, Sewa International has launched a new initiative - “My Village My Support”. Thousands of families don’t have access to basic needs like food, water and medical supplies.

Help us get essential kits for communities in need through your generous donations.!

Sewa International USA

How Can You Support?

  1. Donate generously: No donation is too small! Most companies match or double the contributions! Please check your company's Matching Gift program.
  2. Sewa is a registered non-profit under IRS 501[c][3] in the US.
  3. Spread the word:
    Let us collectively help these communities in need. 

Goal: $50,000

Collected: $50


Campaign End Date: 15 Aug 2021

Goal: $50,000.00
Collected: $50.00
Campaign End Date: 15 Aug 2021

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