Sadguru Gnanananda Thapovanam |
SADGURU SRI GNANANANDAGIRI MAHARAJ is the embodiment of Gnanam (Knowledge) and Anandam (Bliss). Sadgurudev is a perennial River of GRACE to all of us. The qualities ascribed in the Gita to a ‘Sthithapragna’, ‘Bakthi Sreshta’ and ‘Gunathitha’ fit our Swamy precisely. Swami left His home in Karnataka, South India in pursuit of Truth. At Phandarpur in Maharashtra, a resplendent Divine Light drew Him to His spiritual Master, Sri Sivarathnagiri Maharaj, the then pontiff of Jyotir Mutt, Kashmir, founded by Sri Adi Sankara. After the Mahasamadhi of His Guru, He adorned the peetam for some time and then left for Himalayas for intense penance. Swami carried the lofty inviolable ideals enunciated in the scriptures to all the parts of our country and to the countries in the far east and Sri Lanka. At times, during His mission, He withdrew Himself into remote and dense forests for Tapas. During the early part of twentieth century Sri Sadgurudev chose a small village on the northern banks of River Dakshina Pinagini, near Tirukkoilur, and instituted a spiritual retreat, Sri Gnanananda Thapovanam, which is sanctified by ancient Sages Mrigandu, Kapila, Gnana Desiga, the well-known Tamil Saint poet Avvaiyar and the three Alwars of Vaishnava tradition. Sri Gnanananda Thapovanam (https://gnanananda.org/) meaning “forest of penance” is today a place of pilgrimage for those who want to do dhyana for spiritual experience. Thapovanam continues to serve as a holy abode of Universal Spiritualism. With the Divine Grace of Sadgurudev, the Ashtabandana Maha Kumbhabhishekam of Sri Gnanananda Mahalingam, Sri Sadguru’s Shrine at Mani Mandapam, Rajagopuram and all the Deities consecrated by Sri Sadgurudev will be performed with all religious fervour and rituals according to traditional Agama/Veda on SUNDAY,16th June 2024 between 6.30 AM and 8.00 AM. Swami established a charitable trust which is predominantly involved in charitable activities that are focused on annadhanam (feeding the poor), developing facilities such as prayer / meditation halls, kitchen and dining facilities, among others. Contributions are sought to support the above charitable activities during this 50th year since the Mahasamadhi of Swami Gnananandagiri and related to the upcoming Maha Kumbhabhishekam at Thapovanam. | Goal: $250,000.00
Collected: $1,970.00
Ramesh Balasubramanian Spread the Word |
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