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  • Sewa 5k Run Atlanta

Sewa 5K Run

Our Process

  • Involve LEAD members and schedule planning session in early 2023. Initially monthly calls and subsequently weekly calls.

  • Confirm/ Identify beneficiary organization. Camp Cadi or any other organization?

  • Location. Past location has been Newton Park – 3150 Old Alabama Rd.
    Apply for permit/ book park, pavilion, organize police officers, insurance (Sonal Vyas)
    Plan route in the park.
    Explore alternate location instead of Newton Park – School grounds ??

  • Run scheduled for Aug ’23. LEAD members can be actively involved during the summer.

  • Volunteer hours – tracking.


  • Major monetary sponsors.
  • Sponsor for breakfast.

Tickets sales

  • Print ticket/ sale with receipt from Sewa site
  • Location and timing of ticket sale.

Design T-shirt

  • Sponsor logos on T-shirt
  • Vendor for ordering T-shirt
  • Distribution on the day of the run.
Day of the event 
  • Recognize major sponsors/ beneficiary.
  • Yoga exercises.
  • Volunteers in the route.
  • Clean up.


  • Run for cause to raise funds for a social cause


Shankar Mahadevan


Who benefits from this program?

  • Camp Cadi has been the past beneficiary.
  • Volunteers – LEAD Project members – Part of team building and social responsibility training/awareness
  • Sewa

How do they benefit from this program?

  • In the past events nearly 8K has been raised by the runners and sponsors and contributed to Camp Cadi.
  • Highlights Sewa involvement in social causes.
  • LEAD members develop leadership and organizational skills and become responsible citizens.
  • Sewa is recognized as a contributor and sponsor for other non profit organizations.

How many people benefit from this program?

  • Members of the beneficiary organization.
  • LEAD members – 25 volunteers
  • Sewa - Organization.

Our Impact

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