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Support Nele Asha Kiran


NELE (Shelter) a project of Hindu Seva Pratisthana provides residential car to destitute children. Nele helps children of ragpickers, homeless, orphan children and others in need become and remain self-reliant in society.

Help me with this mission...

Sheela Rao

How Can You Support?

  1. Donate generously: No donation is too small! Most companies match or double the contributions! Please check your company's Matching Gift program.
  2. Sewa is a registered non-profit under IRS 501[c][3] in the US.
  3. Spread the word:
    Let us collectively help these communities in need. 

Goal: $100

Collected: $0


Campaign End Date: 26 Sep 2020

Goal: $100.00
Collected: $0.00
Campaign End Date: 26 Sep 2020

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