What is Stop Diabetes Movement (SDM)?
SDM is a 40 hours Yoga Program designed to prevent, control and manage diabetes. This Yoga Program is proven by research to be helpful in management of diabetes. Participants first go through a free screening by a medical doctor to determine the general fitness to handle the program. The 40 hour Yoga training is given by certified, experienced yoga teachers.
The objective of this program is to help prediabetes individuals from becoming diabetic and help diabetic individuals to prevent, control and manage their pre-diabetic and diabetic condition.
1. Primary prevention: Prevent Pre-diabetics to become diabetics and
2. Secondary prevention: Preventing the complications; converting diabetes condition from severe to moderate, moderate to mild, and from mild to normal.
RESEARCH EVIDENCE: S-VYASA - a Yoga University in Bangalore, India, through its 30 years of research has proven that yoga lifestyle can change/impact:
Normalize blood glucose (Fasting and postprandial)
Normalize Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1C)
Reduce bad cholesterol & Increase good cholesterol
Normalize weight and BMI & Reduce oral medication
Reduce anxiety & depression & Improve quality of life
Yoga postures and stretches
Yoga breathing and relaxation
Stress management through yoga
Guidance regarding diet and nutrition for diabetics
Personal consultation from medical doctors
For more information contact:
Call/Text: Gautam @ 510-579-4742 or Seema @ 801-471-1729
Email: bayarea@sewausa.org
For registration:
Fill out form at http://www.brk.im/sdm1 and send to bayarea@sewausa.org
Registration fee
$150 (Fully refundable upon successful completion of 40 hour program and upon request in writing)
Enrollment Deadline : July 17th, 2016
MANDATORY PRE-SCREENING: July 17th, 2016 – Fremont
Note: Please bring your recent lab reports for fasting, random and post prandial sugar, Lipid profile and HbA1C reports and any related medical reports for your diabetes. You will have a Free pre-consultation with a medical doctor prior to the start of the Yoga Program.
For your convenience we are offering SDM program at two locations
Sunnyvale: Sunnyvale Hindu Temple, 450 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA
Fremont: Olive Hyde Program Center, 123 Washington Blvd, Fremont, CA
Dates: 10 days – July 22 to 31, 2016
Sunnyvale Location – 7:00 am to 9:00 am
Fremont Location - 6:30 pm to 8:30pm
Saturdays & Sundays:
9:30 am to 11:30 am – All participants
NOTE: Weekend sessions are held at 11469 Clayton Road, San Jose, CA
Every Saturday starting August 6 through Sept. 24, 2016 for 10 weeks from 9:30am to 11:30am (all the sessions are compulsory)
This program is conducted with Yoga Bharati and co-sponsered by Sunnyvale Hindu Temple