Rules for Registration
1. Online Registration closes on Mar-30-2019 or when registration gets full.
2. There might be Event day Registrations if there are available slots in particular event categories
3. If a player wants to change the events post registration, you may need to contact tournament organizers before close of Registrations with reference to your registration details.
4. One can register with one ID/email for multiple players e.g. xyzplayer@email.com can register for herself, her son and her daughter (by completing registration for each players one after another)
5. The tournament committee reserves the right to change any of the above conditions.
6. There are 3 payment options: Online, Check or Cash, It is highly recommended to use the Online Option for faster confirmation of your registration.
Note that Registrations will be confirmed once the fee is collected.
Please pay online or bring check/cash on the event day.
Withdrawal / cancellation of registration can be done on or before Mar-24-2019 5:00 PM ET by advance intimation to organizer for a full refund.
Cancellation Guidelines: SEWA Sports
1. Full refund one week before the actual event start day.
2. No refund after the event start day or full refund if there is standby team.
3. Cancellation order needs to come via email or text.
4. If paid by check or online – refund will be sent via SEWA check in 3 months’ time.
5. The date on the email and text will be considered as the initiating date.
Tournament Rules
Generally, USCF rules and regulations would apply; however, final determination, interpretation, and authority of rules and any decision will be of discretion of the tournament director and lead coordinator.
For list of events please visit - https://www.facebook.com/atlanta.sewa/
To know more about us please visit - https://sewausa.org/