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Sewa LEAD Detroit 2022 - Registration is Closed

  • 27 Dec 2021
  • 9:00 AM (EST)
  • 5 Feb 2022
  • 8:00 PM (EST)


  • $50 for Design to Lead Program

Sewa LEAD Detroit 2022

(LEAD - Leadership, Education And Development) 


LEAD is a program by Sewa International available for all high school students in the Greater Detroit area from February to September, 2022. 

This program aims to expose our youth to socially conscious leadership principles through Stanford University’s Design Thinking methodology. Students who complete this program will be eligible for Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)*.

Program Objectives:

  • Expose the youth to socially conscious leadership in the community
  • Experience the joy of giving by getting involved in the community service projects
  • Develop a strong sense of inspiration and motivation as they venture into the world

Program Details:

  • Minimum 50 hours of community service
  • High-School Student
  • Remain Active in the program year-round
  • Weekend community service during School year
  • Immersion hours during Summer (weekdays and Weekend)
  • Community Service hours outside of Sewa are not transferable
  • Parent participation as Volunteer
  • Selection criteria: Limited seats, on first come first served basis. Open to all racial, ethnic, religious, and gender backgrounds.

Design to Lead includes:

  • Design Thinking
    • Biweekly guest lecture from our National Design to Lead coordinator, and other academicians from Stanford University.
    • Groups of 4-5 students and a mentor to apply Design Thinking to solve the given topic problem. 
  • Interactions with socially conscious leaders of our community
    • Monthly meetings with local CEO's, renowned professionals, city officials and leaders of other non-profit organizations in the area
  • Participation in Youth for Sewa volunteer activities 
    • Adopt a Highway Cleanup
    • Blood Drives
    • Activities with Senior Centers
    • Food Drives
    • Fund Raising for Sewa Projects
    • Environment and Sustainability
    • Create your own DIY initiative to support Sewa projects

In order to apply, please use the register button. 

Registration Fee: $50 once accepted

*The PVSA will be awarded per the guidelines mentioned on this website.

All the lead kids are requested to sign up and send the waiver form

For general questions- please refer to the FAQ

Contact for any questions.

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