(LEAD - Leadership, Education And Development)
Youth Engagement Program for High School Students
General Eligibility: Incoming and Current High Schoolers (Grade 8-12). All participants should always exhibit commitment to the values of Sewa and act with integrity and discipline.
Program Dates : Jan 1st to October 31st, 2024
Selection Criteria: Limited seats; enrolled on a first-come first-serve basis. Open to all nationalities, religious and ethnic backgrounds.
Registration Fee: $100 per student
Registration Deadline: January 21, 2024
Commitment : Each participant is expected to commit to at least 100 hours of volunteering.
NOTE: All the LEAD participants are requested to sign Austin waiver form (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iRnPDTq1UpIwxrZ7hTb5fzTn2qNwrN0E/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=102051643090820727032&rtpof=true&sd=true) and send it to sewaaustin.lead@gmail.com
Here is a sample list of activities:
1. Highway and Park Cleanup, as part of #ServeAustin
2. Environment and Sustainability - tree planting, mulching in greater Austin parks. #VasundharaSewa
3. Create your own DIY initiative to address community needs.
4. #SewaDiwali Food Drive
5. Fundraising to support Sewa Projects
6. Grocery and hot meals distribution for people-in-need, as part of #ServeAustin
7. Design to Lead (DTL), an initiative under LEAD. The program aims to expose our youth to socially conscious leadership principles through Stanford University’s Design Thinking methodology.
In order to apply, please use the register button.
Registration Fee: $100 once accepted (fees will be donated to Sewa International)
As a part of the LEAD program, the youth are provided with opportunities to participate and / or lead various activities and to earn volunteering hours.
Students who complete the LEAD program may be eligible for Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)*.
*Student eligibility depends on their citizenship status. Per guidelines on this website, only permanent residents and US citizens can apply for the PVS Award. All students will receive Sewa International volunteering certificate as proof of their contributions.