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Coronavirus Disease 2019

Sewa International has been active on the ground early, to help deal with the Coronavirus pandemic situation. We have established a Non-Medical helplines in different areas of USA, which anyone can call
Helpline Numbers:

South West/ Houston
 (281) 909-7392
San Antonio (Metro)
 (210) 595-0717
West Coast/ Bay Area 
(203) 872-7392 
Phoenix (Metro) 
 (480) 630-1173    
East Coast/ New Jersey
(302) 330-7392  
 Atlanta (Metro) 
 (401) 484-7392
Mid West/ Chicago
(847) 350-8311
Denver (Metro) 
 (303) 772-3576 
Charlotte NC
 (850) 739-2258
Washington DC 
 (703) 971-1111 

Please share this in your respective organizations. Callers will be provided with any of the following information:

  •  Providing information & resources as listed on credible sources and on county/city websites
  •  Helping Seniors in the community  (medical advice, grocery/meals)
  •  Helping International Students by connecting them to doctors, assisting with accommodation/meals
  •  Providing consultation* from Doctors & Lawyers as needed
  •  Working across the different geographic areas/state lines for help

Sewa International's COVID hotline is intended for informational purposes only. Nothing stated or shared on the hotline constitutes medical advice or legal advice. The Sewa International hotline is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or legal advice. 


 Beneficiary Feedback

COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund - FAQs

  • WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS FUND? keyboard_arrow_down
    The COVID-19 fund will be used to support individuals and families in the United States. Sewa International has been running COVID-19 (coronavirus) helplines in the United States since late February. Supported by a large group of committed volunteers, Sewa has risen to the occasion rapidly, assembling more than 3,000 volunteers in 43 chapters within a month and helping close the gap on many critical needs such as the crippling shortage of masks, personal protective equipment (PPE), sanitisers as well as providing meals and groceries to the needy. Local businesses and medical professionals are offering their services to the community through Sewa International.
    Sewa International has distributed more than 625,000 masks, 63,000 hot meals and food kits, donated more than $100,000 to food pantries, and engaged and coordinated the work of more than 200 professionals including doctors, attorneys, financial and employment specialists to offer more than 90 webinars to provide expert guidance. Nearly 1,000 Sewa volunteers are engaged in making homemade masks. Sewa International is also running 10 helplines in different metropolitan areas to provide non-medical advice and assistance. Sewa has also helped hundreds of stranded international students and travelers so far, coordinating the work with foreign consulates.
  • WHO CAN DONATE? keyboard_arrow_down
    The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund is open to donations from individuals, corporations, foundations, and other organizations. For corporate, institutional, and foundation donations, please contact
  • ARE DONATIONS TAX-DEDUCTIBLE? keyboard_arrow_down
    Sewa International is a 501 (c) 3 registered non-profit. All donations made for COVID-19 response to Sewa International are tax deductible. All donations made through Facebook are also tax-deductible.
  • HOW WILL THE FUNDS BE USED? keyboard_arrow_down
    It is a constantly and fast evolving situation and Sewa International may direct the funds as the situation demands. Currently, we are allocating money for procuring and distributing PPE to Hospitals, Medical Professionals and First Responders, delivering groceries/ food for home-bound seniors, and buying supplies and perosnal protective equipment for staff, volunteers, teachers, and community workers who are involved with the COVID-19 response. Funds are also being spent on case management of a variety of family needs arising as a consequence of the social and economic slowdown, and for operating helplines in 20 major metro areas across the United States.
    Some examples of cases that we are currently managing are as follows: 1) A patient with COVID-19 symptoms was guided by volunteer medical professionals on procedures for self-quarantine. The patient's family is in India. We are working with the person's family to keep them calm through this time of high anxiety. 2) A student with COVID-19 symptoms is self-quarantined and feeling unsure about the next steps. We are working with the person and the person's friends offering them information on the next steps and how to maintain calm, correct health precautions, etc. 3) Working with a single senior to help set up online payments for grocery delivery. We are also delivering India groceries to the senior citizen's house. 4) We are procuring and distributing PPE to Hospitals, Medical Professionals and First Responders

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