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Stop Diabetes Movement (Sdm) Yoga Camps Conclude On High Note

26 Sep 2016 10:00 AM | Anonymous

The ten-day camp included daily yoga routine, lectures from doctors and specialist on diabetes, stress, food habits, and, how to manage better. At the closing ceremony held at Keshav Smruti, participants shared about the transformation the yoga camp brought in their lifestyle and in managing diabetes. One of the participants John, said "I got to know importance of Yogasana sequence and therapists put it all together very well. I am more flexible after the camp. I would encourage young people to do Yoga”. Bhakti mentioned “It (SDM Yoga) was a wonderful experience for the last ten days, I will continue to do Yoga as much as I can”. Another participant, Satyajit, mentioned that his blood sugar levels dropped in these 10 days, he was feeling energetic and “not tired” and his stiff shoulder become normal by adhering to the yoga routine every day.

Raghu Iyer presented information on VYASA and showed the results of this camp. The fasting Blood Glucose level dropped by an average 5% and post prandial levels dropped by an average 9% (based on the readings provided by participants before start of camp and 9th day of the camp). Dinesh Shah informed audience about the wonderful community work which Sewa has been doing locally, nationally and internationally. The program concluded with Nikhil Jain offering vote of thanks to all the participants, doctors (Dr. Sudha Rajan, Dr. Ulupi Choksi, Dr. Heena Pandya, Dr. Kairav Shah and Dr. Namrata Rathod), camp yoga therapists Daksha Shah and Meena Kankani, SDM core organizing team (Vibhuti Shah, Arvind Thekdi, Anuja Deshpande and Noopur Saptnekar), VYASA Houston Director Vishwarup Nanjundappa and his team of volunteers, Dr. Bhadresh Shah and Anar Vyas of “The Medical Resort” in Sugarland, and Meena Kankani of Swath Yoga Studio in Katy. A delicious and nutritious potluck meal was served to end the program on a high note.

The yoga camp was extremely successful and the participants are now looking forward to keeping up with the practice and come back for a follow up session in October. Sewa will conduct the next set of camps in various parts of Houston, from Feb 24th to March 5th of 2017. All these camps are free of charge and have a deposit which is refunded once participants complete all the sessions. For those who want to know more about SDM Diabetes Yoga camp or want to participate or volunteer, please email us at or contact (713)834-4909 / (281) 546-8202.

By Nikhil Jain

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