Sewa Design To LEAD - DTL Sewa > LEAD > DTL | Registrations - DTL 2025 |
DTL - Program Details |
The Design To Lead is a 6 month program focused on training high-potential, socially minded teenagers in “Design-Thinking” based approach to understand and address society’s most significant challenges. This program has been developed under the guidance of Professor Anurag Mairal, who leads the Global Outreach Programs at Byers Center for Biodesign at Stanford University. The program was launched in 2019 as a pilot focused on solving an unmet need of a problem facing the society. The program involves high school students, getting together to learn about Design Thinking and how to apply the process towards solving a problem facing the community around them. In a nutshell this program spans over 3 phases, each lasting approximately 8 weeks. Phase1: Identify- Understand the Design To Lead methodology, Identify unmet needs of the community, pick top needs Phase2: Invent - Come up with different Prototypes based on must have and nice to have criteria and finally pick 1 prototype Phase3: Implement - Develop strategy, scale up & deploy |
Get Involved |
Featured Projects 2023 |
Youth Mental Health Personality Development Social Awareness |
Our Impact |
1018 + Total | 341 + Mentors | 60 + Core Team |
125+ Total | 80 + Number of Groups or | 9000 + Total Number of Hours |
550 + Total 150 + Mentors 30 + Core Team 80 Total 80 + Number of Groups or 9,000 + Total Number of Hours |
Testimonials |
DTL Chapters |
Message from the Director of DTL |