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Our Impact

Sewa International is committed to maximizing the beneficiary impact by stretching every donor dollar. Our sister organizations across the world and our volunteers here in the United States help plan, manage, supervise, and ensure timely and quality completion of our projects. We seek to offer our services efficiently, and we undertake projects that are in sync with our mission:

Serving Humanity in Distress: We specialize in (a) disaster relief and rehabilitation projects, and (b) development projects in the areas of health, education, empowerment, and community development.

Aiding Local Communities: Our US chapters implement our flagship programs -- the Family Services Program, and the Refugee Empowerment Program.

Promoting Volunteerism: We offer volunteering opportunities to people across generations, from children to senior citizens, enabling them to help serve and take part in events like International Yoga Day, Diwali Food Drive, and Sewa Day. We also offer ten-week structured summer internships: Get Inspired in the US, and Yuva for Sewa in India and Guyana.

Sewa International is committed to financial and functional transparency. The impact map below demonstrates a significant aspect of this commitment.

Emergency Relief




Community Development

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