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Sewa Women’s Championship 2022

22 Sep 2022 2:57 AM | Sewa International (Administrator)

nullSewa Women’s Championship 2022 - Cricket & Kho-Kho sporting events were held on Sept 18th at Fowler Park Cumming, GA.

Let me start by saying what an eventful day! The day started early for the sewa volunteers, coordinating and setting up for this tournament. Dr. Syamala Erramilli along with her husband Bob Erramilli, Johns creek City Council member was the guests of Honor and was accompanied by Vikas Arora Sewa Leader. The event was inaugurated with the invocation to Lord Ganesha’s prayers and the traditional lighting of lamps. Dr. Syamala emphasized on how important it is for women to stay active and motivated so that they can be good role models for their children. She also talked about how staying active helps us with endorphins which in turn helps us stay at bay with depression. She appreciated Sewa for conducting such events, as otherwise people would be cooped up in their homes, binging web series or movies.

We had a wonderful response to our cricket championship ably conducted by match referee Vijay Vaghela, a total of 6 teams participated, ATL Strikers, Crickootam, Ferocious Feathers, Firebirds, Magic Makers, and Wildbrooke Warriors. There were some tough competitive and super over matches played by these amazing women with full sportswomen ship and enthusiasm. The Cricket Championship was won by the Firebirds team, in 2nd came Crickootam, 3rd ATL Strikers, and in 4th Wildbrooke Warriors.

Complimentary lunch and drinks were provided to many participants under the able guidance of Amaresh Parvathaneni and Murali Rajgopalan. Our sponsor was SlayRX, the sports drink maker , whose contributions would go towards the S.H.E program( , the objective of this program is to create livelihood for economically weaker and vulnerable women through market driven skill development training as well as personality development and mental awareness.)

This was followed by the afternoon session being graced by the presence of Mrs. Raj Razdan, who also highlighted the importance of women’s wellbeing and staying active. She emphasized that parents should empower young girls to make their own decisions and live their dreams from a young age so they can become strong and independent members of the society. She congratulated all the women who came forward and participated in the event and encouraged them to continue to do so.

In Kho-Kho, four teams Mountain Crest Challengers, Ferocious Feathers, Lakshmi Bai, and Wildbrooke Warriors participated ably conducted by match referee Vishal Shah. The kho-Kho championship was won by Mountain Crest Challengers, in 2nd came Ferocious Feathers, in 3rd Wildbrooke Warriors and 4th was Lakshmi Bai.

Overall, it was a successful event and the participants were happy and expressed interest in participating in such future sporting events. A total of over 200 volunteer hours have been spent for the event. Event organizing team led by Neetu Chauhan, Pallavi Panthri, Vani Gaddam, Usha Palagiri, Garima Saini put in their best effort and pulled off a successful event! Thanks to Vijai G, Sewa Sports coordinator for guiding the team, Chanchal for coordinating Teen volunteers, Prakash Srivastava for technical and marketing help. Shobit Panthari and Raghav Tavva for the amazing pictures and videos which capture the memories for a long time to come.

By Usha Palagiri
Sewa Sports Group
Sewa International - Atlanta Chapter

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