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  • 29 Apr 2021 10:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Houston, TX (April 29, 2021) – The first major batch of oxygen concentrators has left Atlanta by air to Delhi. Thanks to UPS Foundation’s generous collaboration with Sewa International, the shipment of 2,184 Nuvo oxygen-concentrators, manufactured by Birmingham, Alabama-based Nidek Medical Products, Inc., is being shipped free of cost to New Delhi, as India struggles with the severe second wave of COVID-19 that has led to an acute shortage of oxygen, ventilators, and hospital beds across the country.

    While the shipment from Atlanta to Delhi is going via UPS, Air India will be distributing the consignment to seven metros in India, also without cost to Sewa. From these seven metros the oxygen-concentrators will be transported by road to 21 cities. “In the midst of this health crisis in India, we are absolutely thrilled to have the support of so many organizations and people in enabling this quick shipment of oxygen-concentrators to India,” said Arun Kankani, President, Sewa International, who had flown from Houston to be with the Sewa Atlanta team as they readied to send the medical equipment to India. 

    Romaine Seguin, President Global Freight Forwarding at UPS, said, “Our Heart goes out to the people of India during these tough times and our prayers are with them. It is our pleasure to lend a helping hand in this shipment of much needed medical equipment”. Kiran Manchikanti, VP, UPS Information Technology, said “Being an Indian and being able to make a difference makes me proud to support Indian people at this moment.” Philippe Gilbert, UPS President, Supply Chain Solutions, reiterated that his team is with the people of India and are willing to help alleviate the pain.


    Sewa started the ‘Help India Defeat COVID-19’ campaign on April 23, 2021 to ship oxygen concentrators to Indian hospitals. Sewa initially planned to raise $500,000. But responding to the rapidly evolving needs on the ground, Sewa increased the fundraising target to $1 million, $5 million, and $10 million in the subsequent three days. “This is generosity and commitment of Americans, not just Indian Americans, to help India in this hour of need,” said Swadesh Katoch, Sewa International’s Vice President for Disaster Recovery, who has been working from Atlanta to ensure that the equipment reaches India fast. Dr Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), advising Sewa International, said that the 100,000 strong physician group of Indian Origin is proud to support the people of India during these tough times.  

    About Sewa International

    Sewa International ( is a 501 (c)(3) Hindu faith-based charitable nonprofit that works in the areas of disaster recovery, education, and development. Sewa has 43 Chapters across the USA and serves regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.


  • 28 Apr 2021 4:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Houston, TX (April 26, 2021) – Sewa International, the Houston-based nonprofit organization that specializes in disaster recovery, education, and development, has ramped up their fundraising goal to $10 million to fight the COVID surge in India. It has volunteers working both in the US and in India, round the clock, coordinating the work of both raising funds and procuring medical equipment supplies, as well as getting the equipment and essential supplies to hospitals, institutions, and individuals in India. Sewa International is seeking the advice of a team of doctors in the US on procuring the appropriate medical equipment and supplies to be shipped to India.

    Gitesh Desai, President, Houston Chapter of Sewa International, appeared on ABC 13 News-Houston, and spoke with reporter Shern-Min Chow about the 400 oxygen-concentrators already shipped to India, and 2,184 more concentrators that were purchased today, and which are to be shipped shortly to India.

    Sandeep Khadkekar, Sewa’s Vice President for Marketing and Fund Development, responding to the overwhelming support for their Facebook fundraising campaign said, “We are deeply moved by the response we have received from all of you for our fundraiser. Sewa appreciates your willingness to donate for a cause that would save many lives in India. Our top priority is to procure and ship oxygen concentrators to India as soon as possible”.

    A severe second wave of COVID-19 has overwhelmed India’s healthcare system and caused an acute shortage of oxygen, ventilators, and hospital beds across the country. With the number of new cases crossing 300,000 daily and a steady rise in number of fatalities, now estimated to be around 195,000 Indian hospitals are under serious stress to accommodate new patients.

    “Sewa International has had a tremendous outpouring of support from individuals and organizations across the country, and the Facebook fundraising campaign has had such traction that Facebook is working with us to boost this campaign to ensure that Sewa International leverages the trust people have in us,” said Viswanath Koppaka, Director of Marketing, Sewa International. “We have about 60,000 donors who have supported our Facebook campaign, and it has been a challenge to keep them in the loop of all the work going on behind the scenes. But we also have energetic volunteers pitching in, working late into the night, to do all that needs to be done keeping people informed,” he said.   

    About Sewa International

    Sewa International ( is a 501 (c)(3) Hindu faith-based charitable nonprofit that works in the areas of disaster recovery, education, and development. Sewa has 43 Chapters across the USA and serves regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.

  • 27 Apr 2021 4:10 PM | Sewa International (Administrator)

    HOUSTON, April 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Sewa International, the Houston-based nonprofit organization that specializes in disaster recovery, education, and development, has ramped up their fundraising goal to $10 million to fight the COVID surge in India. It has volunteers working both in the US and in India, round the clock, coordinating the work of both raising funds and procuring medical equipment supplies, as well as getting the equipment and essential supplies to hospitals, institutions, and individuals in India. Sewa International is seeking the advice of a team of doctors in the US on procuring the appropriate medical equipment and supplies to be shipped to India.

    Gitesh Desai, President, Houston Chapter of Sewa International, appeared on ABC 13 News-Houston, and spoke with reporter Shern-Min Chow about the 400 oxygen-concentrators already shipped to India, and 2,184 more concentrators that were purchased today, and which are to be shipped shortly to India.

    Sandeep Khadkekar, Sewa's Vice President for Marketing and Fund Development, responding to the overwhelming support for their Facebook fundraising campaign said, "We are deeply moved by the response we have received from all of you for our fundraiser. Sewa appreciates your willingness to donate for a cause that would save many lives in India. Our top priority is to procure and ship oxygen concentrators to India as soon as possible."

    A severe second wave of COVID-19 has overwhelmed India's healthcare system and caused an acute shortage of oxygen, ventilators, and hospital beds across the country. With the number of new cases crossing 300,000 daily and a steady rise in number of fatalities, now estimated to be around 195,000 Indian hospitals are under serious stress to accommodate new patients.

    "Sewa International has had a tremendous outpouring of support from individuals and organizations across the country, and the Facebook fundraising campaign has had such traction that Facebook is working with us to boost this campaign to ensure that Sewa International leverages the trust people have in us," said Viswanath Koppaka, Director of Marketing, Sewa International. "We have about 60,000 donors who have supported our Facebook campaign, and it has been a challenge to keep them in the loop of all the work going on behind the scenes. But we also have energetic volunteers pitching in, working late into the night, to do all that needs to be done keeping people informed," he said.

    About Sewa International
    Sewa International ( is a 501 (c)(3) Hindu faith-based charitable nonprofit that works in the areas of disaster recovery, education, and development. Sewa has 43 Chapters across the USA and serves regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.

    Vidyasagar Tontalapur – 1 - 720-526-9939
    Viswanath Koppaka – 1- 404-304-0563

  • 26 Apr 2021 8:46 AM | Sewa International (Administrator)

    HOUSTON, April 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Sewa International is sending an initial shipment of 400 oxygen concentrators and other emergency medical devices and supplies to India immediately and is working on procuring more from multiple suppliers around the world to ease oxygen shortage caused by the surging numbers of COVID-19 cases in the country.

    Sewa has started 'Help India Defeat COVID-19' campaign to ship oxygen concentrators to Indian hospitals. Sewa is also providing food and medicines to about 10,000 families and more than 1000 orphanages, and senior citizen centers across the country. Sewa is aiming to raise five million dollars for this effort.

    A second wave of COVID-19 has overwhelmed India's healthcare system and caused an acute shortage of oxygen, ventilators, and hospital beds across the country. With the number of new cases crossing 300,000 daily and a steady rise in number of fatalities, Indian hospitals are under serious stress to accommodate new patients.

    "Sewa has already raised more than one million dollars to help India in its hour of need. We are getting a great response from thousands of donors and expressing a deep desire to help India overcome this crisis. We thank them for their generous and timely contribution," said Arun Kankani, President of Sewa International.

    "We are working closely with many organizations in the US to raise funds for this effort. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has partnered with Sewa to fund 200 oxygen concentrators. I thank Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, the AAPI president and all the AAPI members for their crucial aid."

    "Naturally, in the current situation, many Americans are concerned about the safety of their extended families and friends living in India. Hundreds of volunteers from Sewa and our partnering organizations are working on the ground in India. Right now, our top priority is to quickly acquire oxygen concentrators and ship them to India as it can save lives. We are also helping a few hospitals to extend their capacity to treat more COVID-19 patients," Arun Kankani said.

    "Sewa is building a Digital Helpdesk to provide critical information on ambulance services, hospital bed availability, and blood and medicinal supplies to people. We need not despair as India has many resources, but we can still help people win their fight against COVID-19," said Swadesh Katoch, Sewa's Vice President for Disaster Recovery.

    "As part of its ongoing COVID-19 relief work in the US, Sewa has partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to conduct vaccination drives across the country. We are also distributing thousands of pounds of food in Houston and the San Francisco Bay area," Swadesh said.

    About Sewa International
    Sewa International ( is a 501 (c)(3) Hindu faith-based charitable nonprofit that works in the areas of disaster recovery, education, and development. Sewa has 43 Chapters across the USA and serves regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.

    Vidyasagar Tontalapur – 1 - 720-526-9939
    Viswanath Koppaka – 1- 404-304-0563

  • 25 Apr 2021 4:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Houston, TX (April 25, 2021) – Sewa International is sending an initial shipment of 400 oxygen concentrators and other emergency medical devices and supplies to India immediately and is working on procuring more from multiple suppliers around the world to ease oxygen shortage caused by the surging numbers of COVID-19 cases in the country.

    Sewa has started ‘Help India Defeat COVID-19’ campaign to ship oxygen concentrators to Indian hospitals. Sewa is also providing food and medicines to about 10,000 families and more than 1000 orphanages, and senior citizen centers across the country. Sewa is aiming to raise five million dollars for this effort.

    A second wave of COVID-19 has overwhelmed India’s healthcare system and caused an acute shortage of oxygen, ventilators, and hospital beds across the country. With the number of new cases crossing 300,000 daily and a steady rise in number of fatalities, Indian hospitals are under serious stress to accommodate new patients.

    “Sewa has already raised more than one million dollars to help India in its hour of need. We are getting a great response from thousands of donors and expressing a deep desire to help India overcome this crisis. We thank them for their generous and timely contribution,” said Arun Kankani, President of Sewa International.

    “We are working closely with many organizations in the US to raise funds for this effort. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has partnered with Sewa to fund 200 oxygen concentrators. I thank Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, the AAPI president and  all the AAPI members for their crucial aid”.

    “Naturally, in the current situation, many Americans are concerned about the safety of their extended families and friends living in India. Hundreds of volunteers from Sewa and our partnering organizations are working on the ground in India. Right now, our top priority is to quickly acquire oxygen concentrators and ship them to India as it can save lives. We are also helping a few hospitals to extend their capacity to treat more COVID-19 patients,” Arun Kankani said.

    “Sewa is building a Digital Helpdesk to provide critical information on ambulance services, hospital bed availability, and blood and medicinal supplies to people. We need not despair as India has many resources, but we can still help people win their fight against COVID-19,” said Swadesh Katoch, Sewa’s Vice President for Disaster Recovery.

    “As part of its ongoing COVID-19 relief work in the US, Sewa has partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to conduct vaccination drives across the country. We are also distributing thousands of pounds of food in Houston and the San Francisco Bay area,” Swadesh said. 

    About Sewa International

    Sewa International ( is a 501 (c)(3) Hindu faith-based charitable nonprofit that works in the areas of disaster recovery, education, and development. Sewa has 43 Chapters across the USA and serves regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.                                                                                                                               


  • 16 Apr 2021 8:58 AM | Sewa International (Administrator)

    Houston USA), Apr 16: Houston City Mayor Sylvester Turner, along with Council Member of District F, Tiffany Thomas, are proclaiming April 13, 2021 as "Sewa International Day". Gitesh Desai, President of Sewa Houston Chapter, received the Proclamation in a virtual session streamed live from Houston City Hall, PRNewswire reported.

    Sewa International ( is a Hindu faith-based charitable non-profit organization that works in the areas of disaster recovery, education, and development. Sewa has 43 Chapters across the USA and serves regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.

    Mayor Turner's Proclamation highlights the work of hundreds of Sewa International volunteers who have dedicated to serving the many communities across the great city of Houston, its suburbs, and areas surrounding it. The Proclamation highlights the work of Sewa International in response to the recent Winter Storm Uri that left the city reeling. Frigid weather led to power shutdowns, frozen water pipes, and flooding. On the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic, the storm aggravated the already difficult conditions in the city. The Proclamation lauds the work of Sewa Volunteers and Houston Chapter Coordinator, Nikhil Jain.

    “It is an honor to be recognized for our work. We are citizens of this great city, and we will do everything in our power to serve this city that has given us so much. We serve all, and we work with all. I am thrilled that Mayor Turner and Council Member Thomas have given us both the opportunity to serve as well as recognizing the work we do,” said Gitesh Desai, President of the Houston Chapter of Sewa International.

    The Proclamation offers details of the work Sewa volunteers carried out in response to Winter Storm Uri, including distributing 430,000 pounds of food, more than 10,000 litters of water, serving more than 12,500 families in food drives in various locations of the city including Sharpstown, Belliare, Rosharon, Brookshire, Hillcroft, Alief, Baytown, and Pearland.

    “We live in challenging times. Over the past few years Houston has faced several emergencies and disasters, from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey to Winter Storm Uri, with the pandemic exacerbating it all. Sewa International's guiding principle is ‘Sarve janah sukhinau bhavantu’ -- may all be happy – and we strive to alleviate problems faced by people, especially the underserved, in communities across the country and around the globe. We serve without expecting any reward – following the principle of ‘nishkama karma’ – working without seeking the fruits thereof – but the recognition from the Mayor of the city that I live in, and work in, makes me indeed proud of the volunteers I lead,” said Arun Kankani, President, Sewa International.

    “April 13, this year, is also celebrated in India as Ugadi and Gudi Padwa, the beginning of a new year as per the Hindu luni-solar calendar. I wish Mayor Turner, Council Member Thomas, all the officers and staff in Mayor Turner's office, and all citizens of this great city of Houston, a Happy New Year.”

  • 28 Feb 2021 7:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Houston, TX (February 28, 2021): Sewa International raised over $60,000 for Uttarakhand relief efforts while its volunteers continue to serve the victims of the massive flash floods caused by the Glacier Burst on February 7. The floods have claimed 60 lives and affected more than 200 families so far.

    The search and rescue operations have continued but hopes of recovering people alive from the flooded sites are receding fast. Government officials of the Indian state announced recently that 136 of the missing people will be declared dead. The sudden surge of water in the rivers Alaknanda and Dhauliganga severely damaged 12 villages on their banks and washed away homes, temples, and animals within a span of a couple of hours.

    The first alert about the disaster came from Sewa’s volunteer Manvar Rawat’s live video from Tapovan, a village damaged by the floods. His video, shared within half-hour of the glacier burst, has been watched by more than 3.7 million people and most national and international media agencies have used the same video in their news coverage. 

    Sewa has been conducting many development projects for farmers, women, and children for the last few years in Chamoli District where the ruined villages are located. Currently, over 150 of its volunteers are on the ground serving meals to the needy, assisting rescue operations, arranging health checkups, and giving a helping hand to families that lost their loved ones and livelihood. 

    A community kitchen operated by Sewa is serving meals to about 300 people a day. Over 350 blankets and 300 grocery kits have been distributed so far and homestay/shelter has been arranged for the needy. Sewa volunteers are also conducting a survey in flood-affected villages to find out the needs of the people. 

    Rebuilding Plan

    Sewa volunteers have prepared a three-year relief and rebuilding plan with an estimated budget of over $300,000. This plan includes trauma counseling, environmental rehabilitation, and skill development. Commissioning a medical van, supporting community farming, and providing seed money to an estimated 300 people to start their business are part of the plan.

    Hundreds of trees were uprooted by the floods, and Sewa International wants to plant about 5,000 saplings and care for them until they grow and work as natural shields to prevent future avalanches and landslides. 

    About Sewa International

    Sewa International,, a leading Hindu faith-based nonprofit organization, has extensive experience in disaster rescue, relief, and rehabilitation operations having responded to 24 disasters in the US and abroad.

  • 24 Feb 2021 7:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Houston, TX (February 24, 2021): Sewa International distributed over 43,000 pounds of food and hundreds of gallons of drinking water on Saturday, February 20 to families affected by winter storm Uri in Houston. 

    Sewa is planning to distribute a truckload (43,000 pounds) of food every weekend for the next several months. These food drives are part of the COVID-19 and winter storm Uri relief efforts. “More than a million pounds of food will be distributed by the end of these drives,” said Nikhil Jain, Sewa’s Houston Chapter Coordinator. 

    Sewa partnered with Alief School District, International Management District, and Houston Assistance Ministry to conduct the food drive. Cars lined up two to three miles before the drive started at 9 AM.

    Sewa volunteers swung into action as they started receiving calls about burst pipes, flooding of homes, and lack of heating. With a plumber’s help they were immediately able to fix leaks in about 13 homes over the weekend. Sewa shared a list of more than 500 plumbers serving different areas of Houston with the community desperate for quick, skilled help.   

    A young couple with an eight-month pregnant wife, and an elderly couple did not have drinking water and electricity. Sewa volunteers were quick to respond and help. The elderly couple was provided a host family to ride out the storm. Another elderly woman living alone was one of the many that Sewa helped with either accommodation or food and water. In another instance, Sewa arranged for oxygen canisters for a 90-year-old man when his wife called for help. Volunteers also supplied dehumidifiers and fans as well as food, water, and other essentials. When it was not safe to drive, they found people in the neighborhood to supply water and food to needy families.

    Sewa volunteers began sharing critical information with the community a week ahead of the storm. “Most queries we received were about the right thing to do during the storm. We provided clear answers to these questions,” Nikhil Jain said.  

    Sewa is partnering with OneStar Foundation, the State Service Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service for Texas since 2003, which administers the AmeriCorps program. Sewa is the only organization specialized in disaster management in the OneStar portfolio in Texas. Eighteen AmeriCorps volunteers are working with Sewa helping coordinate disaster relief efforts.  

    “This Arctic blast has shown us that natural disasters and crises can strike at any moment. We are ready to serve the distressed and the underserved in our communities, and we will continue to monitor the needs of our communities, and provide help,” said Nikhil Jain. 


    About Sewa International

    Sewa International,, a leading Hindu faith-based nonprofit organization, has extensive experience in disaster rescue, relief, and rehabilitation operations having responded to 24 disasters in the US and abroad.

  • 7 Feb 2021 7:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Houston, TX (February 7, 2021): Congressman Ami Bera was the Chief Guest at the unveiling of Sewa International’s report, showcasing the $50 million impact the Hindu faith-based organization has had, partnering with more than 500 other Hindu American organizations since early March last year. The report, titled “Joining Hands: A Community Effort to Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic,” was released at a virtual event on Saturday, February 6, 2021. “What a commendable effort, and what a fine example of bringing organizations together to serve the country during the pandemic,” said Congressman Bera, Chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the longest-serving Indian American Member of the U.S. Congress.

    Representatives from national emergency and disaster management organizations took part in a roundtable discussion. They said that community and disaster relief organizations can join hands and leverage the help and expertise of the national organizations. Participating in the discussion were Gina Cross, the Acting Director of AmeriCorps NCCC, Dinusha Weerakkody, Emergency Management Specialist of FEMA, Carol Flores, Texas DCMP Grant Coordinator of NVOAD, and Damian Morales, Manager of Disaster Services, OneStar Foundation. Prof. Anurag Mairal, Adjunct Professor of Medicine and the Director, Global Outreach Programs at Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign, Stanford University, moderated the roundtable discussion.

    Commending Sewa International through a video message was Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, who said that “Sewa International represents the best what America has to offer”. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said the city was “thankful for Sewa’s work and charitable contributions,” and that Sewa had over the past fifteen years grown from a small to a mid-size charity organization and been recognized by The Houston Chronicle as “one of the top 100 charitable organizations in Houston”.

    The Sewa International report identifies 125 of the more than 500 organizations that Sewa volunteers worked with across the country raising money, distributing food, face masks and other PPE, offering help to stranded international students and travelers, participating in food and PPE drives, offering hot meals to the hungry, and managing ten hotlines responding to calls for help from around the world. “We did not know what would be demanded of us in this pandemic situation. It was a first-time experience in dealing with the kind of medical/health disaster that has affected the whole world. We believe we have made a difference in our local communities, across our forty chapters, in 28 states, around the country,” said Arun Kankani, President, Sewa International, inaugurating the session.

    “Disbursing more than $2 million that were raised through direct donations and government and institutional grants, and distributing about $50 million worth of food, PPE, medical supplies, and groceries, serving more than 750,000 people in big cities and small towns, our 5,000 volunteers from 28 states have made a bold statement about selfless service,” said Syam Kosigi, Vice President, Organization, Sewa International. “

    About Sewa International

    Sewa International, a leading Hindu faith-based Indian American nonprofit organization, has extensive experience in disaster rescue, relief, and rehabilitation operations having responded to 24 disasters in the US and abroad over the past decade.  

    For more information on Sewa International and its activities, please visit




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