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RoboExplorers Workshop Syllabus

The workshop is divided into five, couple hours sessions.  

Students would be divided into 2 groups since we have only handful of robots; One group learns while other works on robot and then they switch. 

Session 1
Duration (min) Group 1 activity Group 2 activity
15 Intro to workshop, brief block coding
45 Programming software - Block coding details, robots, variables Amazon warehouse (order picking)
45 Amazon warehouse (order picking) Programming software - Block coding details, robots, variables
5 Homework and Review
10 Attachment assembly (if time permits) Attachment assembly (if time permits)
Session 2
15 Review of last session learnings
45 Programming - Decision Making (Loops, if while statements etc.) Robot Programming - Tesla
45 Robot Programming - Tesla Programming - Decision Making (Loops, if while statements etc.)
5 Homework and Review
10 Attachment assembly (if time permits) Attachment assembly (if time permits)
Session 3
15 Review of last session learnings
45 Programming - Create a calculator, Robots lights up Challenge - Escape Pod competition
45 Challenge - Escape Pod competition Programming - Create a calculator, Robots lights up
5 Homework and Review
10 Attachment assembly (if time permits) Attachment assembly (if time permits)
Session 4
15 Review of last session learnings
45 Programming - Invoking Functions using variables Challenge - Robo Vaccum cleaner
45 Challenge - Robo Vaccum cleaner Programming - Invoking Functions using variables
5 Homework and Review
10 Attachment assembly (if time permits) Attachment assembly (if time permits)
Session 5
15 Review of last session learnings
45 Programming - ?? Challenge - Actual 3 challenges in FLL competition
45 Challenge - Actual 3 challenges in FLL competition Programming - ??
5 Homework and Review
10 Attachment assembly (if time permits) Attachment assembly (if time permits)

Teaching Methodology 

  • The language and challenges should be simple enough for a 3rd grader to understand easily.
  • The code learned should have a visible, real-world application—just displaying output on a computer screen is not enough.
  • Primarily conducted in person, with virtual learning as a supplemental option.
  • Assignments should include straightforward homework tasks.
  • Workshop sessions should have a flexible structure that adapts to location, students, and any obstacles encountered.
  • Designed for 3rd to 8th graders, with students having beginner to intermediate Scratch coding skills—this is not for advanced Scratch coders.
  • The majority of learning should be self-directed through experiments, with classroom instruction making up no more than 30% of the time.
  • Achievements should be rewarded at every stage with incentives like candy, medals, or certificates.

Event Day Guidelines 

We want to make sure that everyone (Participants as well as Organizers) have a very pleasant experience. From that perspective, given below are some other important guidelines:

  • A google form would be made available for contestants to submit the - Dance audio file. Dance audio file must be received 3 days before the competition before the competition day precisely following guidelines mentioned in the form.  
  • Late submissions would have penalty in terms of points as it will create a lot of planning problems for us. Please submit proactively. It is extremely important to have correct naming standards followed while submitting the audio file to avoid rejection of submissions. Please follow the instructions given in the form and help provide a very good experience for you and audience.

    Please make sure to  be available in the hall during the timeslot provided. When your group's name is called and the group is not available to compete, Group's entry will be forfeited. 
  • Please arrive 30 min before the your slot begins so that you can be seated undisturbed. We will start on time.
  • If you have a special circumstance for which you cannot arrive at the your time slot, please reach out to organizer 1-1.
  • 20% of the marks are you audience, please feel free to invite as many of your friends as possible to vote for you.
  • No one would be allowed to come in and out of the hall while dance performance is on. We need to make sure Contestant performs undisturbed. Please cooperate.
  • Center 2 seats in 1st row would be blocked for the contestant family to photo/record their contestant’s performance. Please do use that to take videos / photos and post to your social media account. 

Competitions run multiple hours but we got you. We will have snacks and lunch items available for purchase at the venues. 

Milwaukee location: We will have snacks available thorughout the day whereas HTW would have awesome Lunch menu. 

Madison Location: Sewa would have snacks as well as lunch available for purchase as a part of Cafe Annapoorna. Given below are a few pictures of our previous Annapoorna concession stands. 

Cafe Annapoorna photos:   

Guidelines to decide if a dance is Classical , Semi Classical or Contemporary

Dance Style

Song Style

Classical / Semi-Classical




Follows rules prescribed in Natya Shashtra

Follows rules of Shastriya sangeet and is not from Movie


Follows rules prescribed in Natya Shashtra

Follows rules of Shastriya sangeet and is from Movie

E.g. Mere Dholana Song


Follows rules prescribed in Natya Shashtra

Doesn’t follows rules of Shastriya sangeet and is from Movie

E.g. Sheela ki javaani

Semi - Classical

Does NOT follow rules prescribed in Natya Shashtra

Any type of song.

Contemporary (Bollywood)




Follows rules prescribed in Natya Shashtra

Follows rules of Shastriya sangeet and is not from Movie


Follows rules prescribed in Natya Shashtra

Follows rules of Shastriya sangeet and is from Movie

Semi - Classical

Follows rules prescribed in Natya Shashtra

Doesn’t follows rules of Shastriya sangeet and is from Movie

Semi - Classical

Does NOT follow rules prescribed in Natya Shashtra

Any type of song.

Contemporary (Bollywood)

Note: 4-5% deviation is ok as a mistake or Special movie step just for creativity purpose but more than that is not allowed - If more than that used, it will have to be reclassified as Contemporary Style.

In case of doubt please check with organizers to avoid trouble during performance

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